Toggling between paint and edit mode, Paint tools and brush controls – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

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Chapter 21


Note: In the Color node, the alpha channel is set to 1 by default.

It’s important to make sure the resolution of the QuickPaint node is properly set,
because you cannot paint beyond the boundaries of the frame.

Toggling Between Paint and Edit Mode

The QuickPaint node has two modes of operation. In Paint mode, you can create new
brush strokes. In Edit mode, you can modify any previously created paint stroke.

When the QuickPaint node is active, its associated tools appear in the Viewer shelf.
Three subtabs—Paint Controls, Edit Controls, and Paint Globals—appear in the
Parameters tab.

The first button on the Viewer shelf is the Paint/Edit mode toggle.

To toggle between Paint and Edit mode, do one of the following:


Click the Paint/Edit button.


Click either the Paint Controls or Edit Controls subtab in the Parameters window to
toggle to the Paint or Edit mode.

Paint Tools and Brush Controls

Using the other controls in the Viewer shelf and Paint Controls tab, you can modify the
paint characteristics of new strokes (color, size, brush type, opacity, softness).

There are five basic brush types. One modifier changes the drop-off of the five brush
types. To use a brush, make sure that you are in Paint mode (click the Paint/Edit button
or select a brush), then paint.

To change the size of a selected brush:


Control-drag in the Viewer. You can also numerically set the brush size in the Paint
Controls tab.

To draw a straight line:


Hold down the Shift key while drawing in the Viewer.