Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 1028

Appendix A
The Shake Command-Line Manual
shake bg.iff -zoom 2 1
Zooms the image to twice as wide.
shake bg.iff -resize 720 486
Zooms the image to NTSC resolution.
shake bg.iff -fit 720 486
Zooms the image to NTSC resolution, maintaining the original
aspect ratio.
Renumbering Clips
shake bus2.40-79#.jpg -t 1-40 -fo
toto.#.iff -v
Shifts frame numbering to start at 1.
shake bus2.#.jpg -t 40-79 -fo
toto.#-39.iff -v
Also shifts frame numbering to start at 1.
shake bus2.#.jpg -t 40-79 -fo
toto.118-#.iff -v
Reverses timing.
shake bus2.#.jpg -t 40-79 -fo
[email protected] -v
Unpads the clip.
shake bus2.40-79x2#.jpg -t 1-20 -
fo toto.#.iff -v
Halves the timing of the clip.
shake bus2.40-79x.5#.jpg -t 1-80 -
fo toto.#.iff -v
Doubles the timing of the clip.
shake truck.iff -outside
sign_mask.iff -over bg.iff
shake bg.iff -under truck.iff
Animating Parameters
shake bg.iff -blur
“Linear(0,0@1,100@20)” -t 1-20
A linear animation from a value of 0 at frame 1 to a value of 100 at
frame 20.
shake bg.iff -rotate
“Linear(0,0@1,360@11)” -t 1-10
Animates a rotation from 0 degrees at frame 1 to 360 degrees at
frame 11. Notice only up to frame 10 is rendered, hopefully giving a
smooth loop.
shake bg.iff -rotate
“Linear(0,0@1,360@11)” -t 1-10 -
motion .5 1
Sets motion blur to half quality.
shake truck.iff -curve A
“JSpline(1,0@1,10@5,300@15)” -
pan A A -t 1-15
Creates a temporary curve named A. It has values of 0 at frame 1,
10 at frame 5, and 300 at frame 15. It also continues its slope after
frame 15. This curve is then fed into the x and y pan parameters of
the Pan.
shake bg.iff -rotate “time*time” -t
1-75 -motion .5 1 -cpus 2
Uses the time variable, placing it in quotes to multiply it by itself. As
the frame count increases, the angle increases. Also, both CPUs are
enabled for a 2-processor computer.
Resizing Images