Adding media, retiming, and remastering, About image input, Adding media to a script – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 107: Chapter, Chapter 3

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Adding Media, Retiming, and

This chapter covers adding media to your script using
FileIn nodes, either as individual files, or as media from
Final Cut Pro. Also discussed are the retiming and
remastering functions available from within the FileIn
node itself.

About Image Input

This section discusses importing images into a Shake script using the FileIn node. It also
presents other procedures associated with the FileIn node, including associated file
paths, temporary files and disk space, basic time shifting, and retiming footage. For
more information on supported file formats and other issues regarding media, see
Chapter 5, “

Compatible File Formats and Image Resolutions

,” on page 167.

Adding Media to a Script

Usually, the first step in any composite is to add one or more FileIn nodes, which import
or “read in” source media files on disk into Shake’s node tree. Although there are many
other image nodes that can be used to generate images directly within Shake (the
Checker, ColorWheel, Ramp, and RGrad nodes are four examples), image sequences and
QuickTime media files must be added to your script using the FileIn node. Each media
element read into the node tree requires a separate FileIn node.

To add media to your script:


Create a FileIn node by doing one of the following:

Click the FileIn node in the Image tab.

Right-click in the Node View, and then choose FileIn from the Nodes > Image
shortcut submenu.

On Mac OS X, choose Tools > Image > FileIn from the menu bar.


When the File Browser appears, select one or more files, then click OK.