Examples – Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 1026
Appendix A
The Shake Command-Line Manual
Interlaces the two images. When clipMode is set to 1, the BG
resolution is taken; when set to 0, the incoming image resolution is
0 = even field, 1 = odd field.
Only executes the previous commands on the odd fields of the
image, and mixes it back in with the image you supply.
shake bus/bus2.40-79#.jpg 0 -t 1-
Acts as a FileIn, converts from 24 fps to 30 fps, interlacing the
frames to add the extra frames. 0 = even field, 1 = odd field. The
offset amount is the frame that the interlacing starts after the
from 30 fps to 24 fps. 0 = even field, 1 = odd field. The offset
amount is the frame that the interlacing starts after the beginning.
Switches the odd and even fields.
Other Functions
Acts as a -bytes
sEnd to dStart and dEnd. Usually use 1,1,1 for the last three
1 = 8 bits, 2 = 16 bits, 4 = float.
Video Field Functions
Looking at Images
shake bg.iff sign_mask.iff
shake *
Uses the UNIX-style wildcard, *. This means “anything.”
shake *.iff
Indicates “anything with an .iff extension.”
shake bg.iff -compare
Compares the two images, using Option-click or Alt-click to drag
between the two. For Linux, Shift-Control-click and drag.
Launching Flipbooks
shake alien/alien.#.iff -t 1-50
shake bus/bus2.#.jpg -t 40-79
shake bus/bus2.40-79#.jpg -t 1-40
shake fan/[email protected] -t 1-5
Cool Text Tricks
shake -addtext %t -t 1-20
Prints time code.
shake -addtext %T -t 1-20
Prints full time code.
shake -addtext %f -t 1-20
Prints the current frame.