Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 146

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Chapter 4

Using Proxies

Variable Definitions

This section explains the declarations made in the above script.

Defines the default location for pre-generated proxies. (See the example below.) Note
that you can use variables to grab strings from the baseName:

= image name + frame range

= format extension

= image name (no frame range)

= the frame range

, , etc. = the name of the parent directory, two directories up, and so

The proxy scale.

The aspect ratio (the Y-axis scale).

The default bytes for pre-generated proxies. This does not affect on-the-fly generation
of proxies, so you maintain your bit depth if you do not pre-render your proxies.

The file format for pre-rendered proxies. (See below.)

Turns on or off the render lights on the Render Proxies menu. When on (1), the files are
rendered with the Render Proxies menu. (See below.)

When set to 1, an entry is added to an SFileIn node at the time of its creation.

Sets whether you are P1, P2, or P3 (1, 2, 3). This replaces Shake’s default settings, unless
you set the index to 0, in which case it is appended.

When the first string is found in the base file name, it substitutes the second string; for
example, from the first line, “4096x3112” is substituted by “2048x1556.” This string is not
always necessary—the proxyPath may already be taking care of differentiating the
proxy files if all of the names of the files are the same except for a root directory stating
the size of the proxies.