Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 1041

adding duplicates 293
animating parameters with 291
copying and pasting 314
delete button 71
deleting 292, 303
inserting for tracking 731
Manipulator Box 304
modifying 303
move modes 307
navigating in the Time Bar 294
selecting 302
text fields 305
toggling on and off 71
transform hot keys 305
defined 681
DV footage 696
edge treatment 691
from a green or blue screen 682
reflections 684
with ColorReplace node 682
Keylight plug-in 682, 706
KeyMix 464
example 464
function description 464
math and LayerX syntax 453
understanding its math 424
Lanczos filter 863
Launch Flipbook button 57
Layer nodes
attaching to camera and locator points 506
attaching to locator points 510
in Photoshop 476
masking 536
parameters 514
transforming in MultiPlane node 500
Layout controls 245
LensWarp node 811
LensWarp Viewer 812
Light Hardware mode 378
Linear color space
Linear drag mode 582
Linear Lookup
modifed by Lookup function 653
Linear splines 319
Link cameras 498
nodes 251
parameters 79, 935
shapes 566
tracks 728
and audio playback 26
exiting Shake 33
keyboard info 18
overlay info hot key 325
expressions 81
interface settings 33
Tracks 728
attaching layers to 510
editing 499
viewing and using 498
Lock Direction button 71
Lock Tangents button 569
Logarithmic color space 437–450
and float bit depth 444
converting using LogLin 648
correcting in 439
Logical operators 941
LogLin 439, 648
function description 648
parameter list 650
rolloff parameter 449
usage described 637
function description 650
graphs and expressions 652
Lookup curve
example 653
in ColorCorrect 667
function description 653
usage described 637