Picking a paint color – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 581

background image

Chapter 21



The following table contains the basic brush tools.

Press F9 to select your last-used brush type. With this key command, you can quickly
toggle between the last two brush types you selected.

Picking a Paint Color

There are several ways to pick your paint color and opacity.

The Color control in the Paint Controls tab gives you access to the standard color
tools—the Color Picker, the Virtual Color Picker, or point-and-click color selection in the
Viewer. With the pointer in the Viewer, you can also press F10 or P to open the Color

The Color control in the Viewer shelf indicates the current color. It works like any other
color control in Shake.

When you paint, each stroke is unpremultiplied. As a result, adjusting the alpha slider in
the Parameters tab does not affect what you apply to the RGB channels. However,
changing opacity affects all four channels.




When soft is selected, paints any brush type with a soft
falloff. When hard is selected, paints any brush type with a
hard falloff. You can also press F11 to toggle between the
soft and hard falloff.

This is not a brush—it just modifies other brushes.

Paint Brush

Applies RGBA color to the first input.


Smears the pixels. Smudge should always use the hard-
falloff setting.


Erases previously applied paint strokes only. Does not affect
the background image.

Reveal Brush

Reveals the image connected to the second node input. If
there is no input, the Reveal Brush acts as an Outside node,
and punches a hole through the paint and the first input

Clone Brush

Copies areas from the first image input, as well as paint
strokes created in the QuickPaint node.

To move the brush target relative to the source, Shift-drag.

