Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 1037

and premultiplication 433
ApplyFilter 864
Blur 864
box 862, 863
characteristics 862
Convolve 865
default 863
defined 861
Defocus 868
DilateErode 869
dirac 863
EdgeDetect 870
Emboss 872
FilmGrain 872
gaussian 863
Grain 875
IBlur 879
IDefocus 880
IDilateErode 882
impulse 863
in command-line mode 1025
IRBlur 883
ISharpen 884
lanczos 863
masking 539, 861
masking versions 539
Median 885
Mitchell 862
Mitchell method 863
PercentBlur 885
Pixelize 886
quad 863
RBlur 886
Sharpen 888
sinc 863
sinc method 862
triangle 863
ZBlur 888
ZDefocus 890
and QuickTime 326, 339
controls 324
customizing 326, 401
hot keys 1008
Launch Flipbook button 57
launching 90, 323
launching from the command line 324
launching in command-line mode 1026
memory requirements 325
rendering 339
temporary files 329
Viewer controls 325
and Logarithmic color 444
and third-party plug-ins 449
explained 446
Float calculations 612
Flock macro 986
Flop 797
defaults for menus 369
setting paths 357
interlaced and non-interlaced 204
Foreground transparency
Four-point tracking 723
FrameFill macro 985
Frame range
averaging, in command-line mode 1027
displaying in the Viewer 66
Frames/timecode button 56
Freeze repeat mode (playback) 267
Add 638
AddBorders 186
AddMix 453
AddShadow 470
AddText 456
AdjustHSV 659
and scripting 958
appending in command-line mode 1017
ApplyFilter 864
Atop 457
Blur 864
Brightness 638
Bytes 413
CameraShake 794
Checker 597
ChromaKey 703
Clamp 639
Color 598
ColorCorrect 661
ColorMatch 669
ColorReplace 671
ColorSpace 646
ColorWheel 599