Using referencebehavior, Setting subpixelresolution – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

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Chapter 25

Image Tracking, Stabilization, and SmoothCam


Using referenceBehavior

The referenceBehavior parameter controls if and when the reference pattern is ever
updated. By default, the reference pattern is set to use the start frame (the first frame at
which you start tracking) throughout the entire track, so even the samples within the
last frame of the track are compared to the very first frame. You can change this
behavior to periodically update the reference pattern when various criteria are met,
which can help you to track subjects that change shape due to perspective or motion.

Setting subPixelResolution

The number of samples taken in the search region is determined by the
subPixelResolution parameter. A subPixelResolution of 1 positions the reference pattern
box at every pixel to find a sample. This is not very accurate, because most movement
occurs at the subpixel level—the movement is more subtle than one pixel across, and
therefore is factored in with other objects in the calculation of that pixel’s color. The
next resolution down in subPixelResolution, 1/4, advances the reference pattern box in
.25 pixel increments, and is more accurate.

The example here is a theoretical 1/2 resolution since the pattern is advanced in .5 pixel
increments. Keep in mind that the lower the number, the more samples taken. At 1/4
resolution, it takes 16 times more samples per pixel than at a resolution of 1. At 1/64, it
takes 4096 times more samples per pixel.