Using the filein (sfilein) node – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 110

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Chapter 3

Adding Media, Retiming, and Remastering

When Shake reads in an image, it converts the file path of the image to the UNC naming
convention. This labels the machine name first, and then the file path. The third listing
above is an example of this convention. This behavior can be turned off in a preferences
file. For more information, see “

Customizing File Path and Browser Controls

” on

page 371.

Shake looks for its files in the User directory ($HOME) when launched from the
application icon, or the current directory if launched from the Terminal. This affects
how manually entered paths for FileIns are read.

If the image paths are local (for example, “ImagesDirectory/image.#.iff”), images are
read relative to where the script is saved.

If paths are global (for example, “//MyMachine/MyBigHardDisk/ImagesDirectory/
image.#.iff”), then images have no relation to where the script is saved, and thus the
script may be easily moved into different directories.

If the script and the image are on different disks, you must specify the proper disk—
local file paths do not work.

For a URL address, place a // in front of the path. To read from another computer,
write //myMachine/Drive/Directory/etc.

Using the FileIn (SFileIn) Node

The FileIn node is used to read in media (from disk for processing by your script.

Note: Although labeled “FileIn” in the Tool tab, this node actually represents the more
advanced SFileIn function. The SFileIn node includes internal features not available in the
older FileIn node used in previous versions of Shake. The enhanced functions include
FIBlend, FINearest, FIPullUpDown, and IRetime. These functions are “internal” because they do
not appear in the Shake interface, but are saved inside of each script. For the purposes of
this manual, unless otherwise stated, “FileIn” refers to the enhanced “SFileIn” functionality.

The FileIn and SFileIn functions include:

FileIn: A pre-v2.5 function, convenient for scripting, given its brevity, it can only be
shifted in time with IRetime.

SFileIn: From v2.5 and later, this node can be hooked up to have preset proxies,
shifted with IRetime, or modified by FIBlend, FINearest, or FIPullUpDown.

FIBlend: This invisible function does non-linear retiming of a sequence, blending
frames together. It modifies SFileIn only.

FINearest: This invisible function does non-linear retiming of a sequence with no
frame blending. It modifies SFileIn only.

FIPullUpDown: Does pullup or pulldown operations on an SFileIn node.

FISpeed: Similar to Blend, except instead of a curve, you control speed with a slider,
for example, 2x, .5 speed, and so on.