Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 148

Chapter 4
Using Proxies
The first line names the group as “4k Fullap.” The next line describes the base file name.
The next three lines that begin with
describe the subproxies using the
DefineProxyPath definition, except the substitutionStrings. When the first string is
found in the base file name, it substitutes the second string. For example, from the first
line, “4096x3112” is substituted with “2048x1556.”
Note: Because the syntax is somewhat intricate, you may find it easier to copy an
example from the
into a new file.
Using Pre-Generated Proxy Files Created Outside of Shake
It is sometimes convenient to begin working using only pre-rendered proxy-resolution
media files (which are typically generated during the scanning process), and to
substitute the full-resolution media files later. Shake’s proxy structure allows you to do
Note: In the following example, it is assumed that all users in your production pipeline
are using a standardized naming convention.
To read pre-generated proxies into a script:
Open the useProxy subtree in the Globals tab.
Do one of the following:
Choose an option from the proxySet pop-up menu as described in the previous
section. This automatically enters names for the file path names for the base file and
the proxy sets.
Create custom proxyNDefaultFile settings as appropriate to match the resolution of
the pre-generated proxy files you’ll be using.
If you want to substitute a string in the file name, you can use the defaultReplace
parameters in the Globals tab. These subparameters are located within the useProxy
subtree, inside of each DefaultFile subtree.
These parameters allow you to replace text in the original DefaultFile paths.
For example, suppose that your P1 proxies are already available on the computer
“MyMachine,” but your full-resolution elements are not. You start compositing with the
proxies, intending to work on the full-resolution elements later. When the full-
resolution elements become available, they’re located on “Server1.” The easiest way to
substitute the proxies with the full-resolution media is to use the defaultReplace