Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 842

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Chapter 27

Warping and Morphing Images


With both points selected, dragging one of them will move both at the same time.
Both ends of the connection line are restricted to moving along the contours of the
source and target shapes, and you can’t move a connection point past another
connection point.

To add more connection lines to a source/target shape pair:


Click the Edit Connections button.


Shift-click either a source or target shape at the location where you want a new
connection line to be created.

A new connection line is immediately created where you clicked. The other end of the
new connection line is placed at the closest point of the corresponding shape in the pair.

Locking Source and Target Shapes

Once you’ve created one or more source or target shapes, you can lock them
individually in a Warper or Morpher node’s Parameters tab, or all together using the
Lock Shapes buttons in the Viewer shelf. This is useful if you’re modifying source and
target shapes that are very close together, and you want to make changes to one
without accidentally moving the other.

To lock all source and/or target shapes in the currently selected node, do one
of the following:


Click the Lock Source Shapes button to lock all source shapes.


Click the Lock Target Shapes button to lock all target shapes.


Click the Lock Boundary Shapes button to lock all boundary shapes.

Connection lines