Adding your own entry to the proxyset pop-up menu – Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 165

Chapter 4
Using Proxies
This is used when you bring in pre-rendered proxies before loading in the full-
resolution elements. It is assumed you are using a standardized naming convention.
Therefore, by using this naming convention, Shake can establish the name of the full
resolution elements, based on the name of the proxy you supplied. Opening the
baseDefaultFile subtree reveals three more parameters:
baseDefaultFileType: The anticipated file type of the full resolution element.
baseDefaultAlwaysAdd: Whether to add this into the FileIn.
baseDefaultReplace: Lets you replace strings in the first loaded proxy set to be
replaced by a second string, taking the format: source|replace;source|replace. For
example, if you always have _lr at the end of a low-resolution file name and _hr at
the end of a high-resolution file name, you could use _hr|_lr to automatically change
myfile_hr to myfile_lr for that proxy set.
The default file path for each of the four proxy sets you can specify. Relative paths are
relative to the image read in with a FileIn. The proxyNDefaultFile subtree has six
additional parameters:
proxyNDefaultScale: The setting for that proxy set, also setting P1, P2, and so on. For
example, proxy1 is P1.
proxyNDefaultRatio: The Y scaling for that proxy set. If working with pre-rendered
elements and with anamorphic elements, be sure that this setting reflects the
height-to-width relationship between the proxy and base files as they actually exist
on disk. See “Anamorphic Images and Pre-Generated Proxies” on page 155.
proxyNDefaultFileType: When pre-rendering your proxy files, they are stored in this
format. This has no effect with on-the-fly proxies.
Adding Your Own Entry to the proxySet Pop-Up Menu
You can define your own proxy set to appear in this menu via a .h file. This
automatically sets the paths and sizes for each set. You can also declare a proxy set
for a specific FileIn during browsing.
A predefined proxy set looks like this:
DefProxyGroup("4K Fullap",
DefBasePath( "../4096x3112/
DefProxyPath("../2048x1556/.", .50, 1., GetDefaultBytes(), "Auto", 0, 1,
0, "4096x3112|2048x1556"), DefProxyPath("../1024x778/." , .25, 1.,
GetDefaultBytes(), "Auto", 0, 1, 0, "4096x3112|1024x778"),
DefProxyPath("../410x366/." , .10, 1., GetDefaultBytes(), "Auto", 0, 1, 0,