Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 364

Chapter 14
Customizing Shake
textfield.fontColor: The color of the values within the value field.
tempKeyBackClr: A warning color for values entered when not in autosave mode for
animated parameters. The value is not saved until the Autokey button is enabled.
Some text colors can also be interactively modified in the Globals tab. These are saved
Setting Time View Colors
In the startup or ui directory:
gui.color.timeViewBarStd = 0x737373;
gui.color.timeViewBarTop = 0x909090;
gui.color.timeViewBarBtm = 0x303030;
gui.color.timeViewBarCut = 0x101010;
gui.color.timeViewBarRpt = 0x5a5a5a;
gui.color.timeViewBarMir = 0x5a5a5a;
gui.color.timeViewBarFrz = 0x424242;
gui.color.timeViewBarBlk = 0x0;
gui.color.timeViewBarClpLine = 0x0;
gui.color.timeViewFontInOut = 0x111144;
gui.color.timeViewFontStEnd = 0x441111;
gui.color.timeViewFontStd = 0xFFFFFF;
gui.color.timeViewIgnLine = 0xFF0000;
gui.color.stripedRowColLight = 0x373737;
gui.color.stripedRowColDark = 0x474747;
gui.color.timeViewDarkStripe = 0x373737;
gui.color.timeViewLightStripe = 0x474747;
The BarCut, BarRpt, BarMir, BarFrz, and BarBlk refer to the repeat modes, so each one
has a different color.