Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 1036

background image




EdgeDetect 870

function description 870

Edge treatment 691
Edit Connections button 830
Edit Menu 34
Edit mode

painting 580

Edit Shapes button 830
Edit Shapes mode 547

applying to blue screen footage 694–696

Emboss 872

function description 872
modifying image channels with 416

Enhanced node view 221
Environment variables 393

Mac OSX 395
testing 399

Exit command 33
Expand 641

function description 641
usage described 636


interlaced footage 203

Expressions 939

and Lookup function 652
arithmetic operators 941
channel variables 942
command-line usage 940
conditional 941
curve functions 945–946
examples of 940
for selecting nodes 231
global variables 941
image variables 941
in command-line mode 1030
logical operators 941
math functions 942
noise functions 943
precedence of operators 940
relational operators 941
string functions 945
trig functions 944
using with parameters 78
with ColorX 648

External monitor

customizing 330


Fade 642

function description 642

usage described 636

Favorites List (in Browser) 40
Favorite views 28, 220

restoring 29

FG/BG (Tracker) buttons 725
Field 205, 207
Field chart 63
Field dominance 198
Field rendering 195

settings 203


and filters 195
and JPEG files 204
and transforms 194
changing in command-line mode 1027
described 192
displaying in the Viewer 200

File Browser 38–45

Favorites list 40
opening 38

File formats 167–180

and temp files 169
command-line mode 1027
file sizes of 180
padding image filenames 167
supported 170
tracking 740

FileIn 110, 205

and time notation 125
and Time View 262
deinterlacing parameter 197
parameter list 111
proxy parameters 166

FileIn Trim 269
File management controls 44
File Menu 32

conventions in this book 19

FileOut 334
FileOut node 333
File paths 109

conventions in this book 19


naming 335
naming for output 44
selecting 41
sizes of 180


anamorphic plates 209
and aspect ratio 211
and high-resolution images 130
using proxies 137

FilmGrain 872