Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 665

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Chapter 23

Color Correction


Working With Low, Mid, and High Ranges

The following section discusses the differences in working with low, mid, and high color
ranges in the ColorCorrect node. The first image is the original image.

Thanks to Skippingstone for the use of images from their short film Doppelganger.

In the following examples, a Gain (multiply) of 2 is applied to each channel. The first
example multiplies all pixels by 2. The pure blacks stay black, the whites flare out.
However, when the gain is applied to the Low areas (the shadows), although the pure
blacks stay black, the areas just above 0 are raised into the mid range, and this reduces
the apparent contrast. A higher value solarizes the image. In the following images, a
gain of 2 is applied in the Master tab, the Low, Mid, and the High tabs.