Parameters in the images tab – Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 512

Chapter 18
Compositing With the MultiPlane Node
Raising sceneScale expands the distribution of points, moving any layers that are
locked to locator points away from the camera. The locator points themselves appear
to stretch out.
Changing the sceneScale parameter has no effect on layers that are attached to the
camera, nor does it affect the position of layers that are not attached to locator points.
It does, however, affect the size of the frustum, increasing or decreasing the area that is
seen by the camera. It also changes the position of the camera—if you make a big
enough change to the sceneScale parameter, the camera may move past layers in the
3D workspace.
Parameters in the Images Tab
The first three parameters in the Images tab determine the overall image that is output
from the MultiPlane node.
Defines the output resolution of image data produced by the MultiPlane node.
When turned on, the postMMult parameter premultiplies the output image produced
by the MultiPlane node.
When turned off, layer order is determined by the position of layers in the Parameters
tab, much like with the MultiLayer node. When autoOrder is turned on, layer order is
determined by each layer’s position in 3D space.
Note: The layer order of coplanar layers (occupying the same coordinate in the 3D
workspace) is determined by their position in the Parameters tab.