Customizing the flipbook, Configuring additional support for apple qmaster, Renderqueue options – Apple Shake 4 User Manual
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Chapter 14
Customizing Shake
Customizing the Flipbook
The following arguments have been added to the Flipbook executable as global plugs,
allowing you to specify an external Flipbook as the default. Specify these plugs using a
.h file in the startup directory. The global plugs and their default values are:
gui.externalFlipbookPath = "shkv"; // the flipbooks name -- this
should include the full path
gui.flipbookStdInArg = "-"; // instructs the flipbook to take data
from StdIn
gui.flipbookExtraArgs = ""; // allows you to enter any extra
arguments the flipbook needs.
gui.flipbookZoomArg = "-z"; // sets the zoom of the flipbook
gui.flipbookTimeArg = "-t"; // the time range argument
gui.flipbookFPSArg = "-fps"; // the frames per second argument
Note: If the specified external Flipbook doesn’t support one of these arguments,
setting its value to an empty string ("") prevents that value from being passed to it.
Configuring Additional Support for Apple Qmaster
You can enable additional support for Apple Qmaster by adding the following global
plug to a .h file in the startup directory:
sys.useRenderQueue = “Qmaster”;
This setting causes additional options to appear in the Render Parameters window
when you choose Render > FileOut Nodes. These options become visible when you
open the renderQueue subtree.
If Apple Qmaster isn’t installed but the sys.useRenderQueue plug is declared, a
message is sent to the console upon startup, and the following options do not appear.
RenderQueue Options
queueName: The name of the render queue software being used. If Apple Qmaster is
installed, “Qmaster” appears here.
useQueue: When useQueue is turned on, the FileOut nodes specified by the
renderFileOuts parameter are sent to the render queue when you click Render. By
default, useQueue is turned off. Setting renderFileOuts to All sends all FileOut nodes
to the render queue software. Setting renderFileOuts to Selected only sends the
selected FileOut nodes to the render queue software.
jobTitle: Enter the name you want to use to keep track of this job here.
workingDir: The directory in which you want to store the temp script used by the
render queue. The temp script is a temporary duplicate of your script that the
computers in the specified cluster can access to perform the job.
cluster: A pop-up menu that allows you to choose which cluster you want to use to
perform the job. All clusters set up in your render queue software will appear here.