Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 834

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Chapter 27

Warping and Morphing Images


You can only create single-point shapes and open shapes in the Warper and

Morpher nodes. You cannot create these kinds of shapes in the RotoShape node.

Every time you create a new shape, an additional shape parameter appears in the
Parameters tab of the corresponding Warper or Morpher node. By default, each new
shape parameter that’s created is named “shape1Name,” and the middle number is
incremented with each new shape you draw. These names can be changed to more
easily identify the specific parts of the subject you’ve isolated for individual
manipulation later.

Editing Shapes

Once you’ve created a shape, there are several ways you can modify it. These
techniques also work for keyframing shapes used for animated warping or morphing
effects. For more information about keyframing shapes, see “

Animating Single or

Multiple Shapes

” on page 558.

When editing shapes that are close to other shapes, it may be helpful to turn off
Enable/Disable Shape Transform Control in the Viewer shelf, to hide transform controls
from other shapes that may overlap the shape you’re editing. After your source/target
shape pairs have been defined, it may also be helpful to turn off the visibility of shape
types that you don’t need to see. For example, turning off the visibility of all source
shapes while you’re editing their corresponding target shapes will prevent accidental
adjustment of the wrong overlapping points. You can turn different groups of visibility
controls on and off for each setting of the Select Display Image pop-up menu in the
Viewer shelf.


In order to edit Warper or Morpher shapes, it’s important to make sure the

Edit Shapes button is turned on.

To edit a shape:


Click the right side of a Warper or Morpher node to load its parameters into the
Parameters tab, and its controls into the Viewer shelf.


In the Viewer shelf, click the Edit Shapes button.


Select one or more points you want to edit by doing one of the following:

Click a single point to select it.

Shift-click additional points to add them to the selection.

Click in the Viewer and drag a selection box over all the points you want to select.