Index – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 1031

background image





.h files

locations of 355

.plist file 395
.tcshrc file 394, 397
10-bit image files 437–450

converting using LogLin 649

2K images

and caching 131
and QuickShapes 575
and real-time playback 325
file sizes of 180, 447

3:2 Pulldown 116
3D camera paths 485
3D polyhedron (in Primatte) 714
3D renders

and bit-depth 410
and premultiplication 421
and the Z channel 411

3D transform controls 518
4K/6K images 130


About Shake menu 32
Absolute path 954
Academy format 94

in Pixel Analyzer tool 630

Add 638

function description 638
modifying image channels with 416
usage described 636

AddBorders 186

function description 186

AddMix 453

example 454
function description 453

Add New Shapes button 830
Add Notes command 81
Add Script command 32
AddShadow 470

function description 470

Add Shapes mode 547

AddText 456

function description 456

AdjustHSV 659

function description 659
usage described 636

AEPreMult macro 989
AIFF audio files 277
Alias 399
All (nodes) command 258
alpha channel 681

and compositing 417
removing from an image with SetAlpha 658
viewing 259

als / alias files 171
alsz files 171
AltIcon macro 998

examples 210

Anamorphic Film aspect ratio 216
Anamorphic film images 209
Animating cameras 521
Animating layers 506
Animating parameters 291

pausing 293, 560

Animation curves (see Curve Editor) 316–322
AOI 542
Aperture markings button 55
Apple Qmaster 339, 401
Apply Curve function 299
ApplyFilter 864

function description 864

Area of Interest 542
Argument flow 1019
Arithmetic operators 941

in Primatte 683

Aspect ratio

and film elements 211
and non-square pixels 209
and video elements 210
common ratios 216
for the broadcast monitor 330
functions to be cautious with 211