Video functions, Interlace – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 205

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Chapter 6

Importing Video and Anamorphic Film


Video Functions

Shake has several other video-oriented functions. When using these features, make
sure that field rendering is off, because field-rendering options may interfere with the
desired result. These functions include the following:


Located in the Layer tab, this node interlaces two images. You can control field
dominance, whether the input images are themselves separate field images (for
example, half Y resolution), or if the fields are extracted from every other line.




Globals tab


Sets the timecode format displayed in the Time Bar.

Time Bar

T on keyboard

Toggles timecode/frame display.

Image tab


Has de-interlacing, as well as pulldown/pullup capabilities under
the Timing subtree. See the “Using the FileIn (SFileIn) Node” on
page 110 f
or more information.

Color tab


Limits your colors to video-legal ranges. See “VideoSafe” on
page 208.

Layer tab


Limits effects by certain criteria, either zone, change tolerance,
channel, or field. Naturally, field is of interest here. You can affect a
single field with this node. This is generally done with field
rendering off. See Chapter 16, “Compositing With Layer Nodes,” for
more information.

Layer tab


Interlaces two images, pulling one field from one image, and the
second field from the other image. You can select field dominance.
This is generally done with field rendering off. See “Interlace” on
page 205.

Other tab


Retains one field from an image and creates the other field from it.
You have three choices as to how this is done. The height of the
image remains the same. This is generally done with field rendering
off. See “DeInterlace” on page 206.

Other tab


Strips out one field, turning the image into a half-height image.
Generally done with field rendering off. See “Field” on page 207.

Other tab


Switches the even and odd fields of an image when fieldRendering
is off. To do this when fieldRendering is on, just switch from odd to
even or even to odd. Generally done with field rendering off. See
SwapFields” on page 207.