Float bit depth and third-party plug-ins – Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 449
Chapter 15
Image Processing Basics
As an alternative to float, you can use the roll-off parameter in the LogLin node.
However, this involves inherent compression and banding of your data. The roll-off
parameter gives your curve a roll-off (compared to the standard log curves), which can
help preserve some highlights, and allows you to stay in 16 bits. However, as shown in
the next example, when the same image is converted back to log representation, there
is still some cutoff in the upper and lower ranges, but the lower ranges also band. Use
at your own risk.
Float Bit Depth and Third-Party Plug-Ins
Most third-party plug-ins, including Primatte and Keylight, do not support float (rather,
only 8 and 16 bits).
To ensure that your highlights are maintained:
Convert the images back to log color.
Execute the third-party plug-in (assuming it is still accurate on non-linear images).
Convert the images to linear representation.
Continue with your composite.
If the plug-in works on a single channel (for example, both Primatte and
Keylight can isolate their effect on the alpha channel), do the following:
Create one branch for color modifications, and keep that branch in float.
Create a second branch from the FileIn node and pull the key.
Copy the alpha back to the float RGB chain with a SwitchMatte node.
Since the keyers also do color correction, you have to compensate by using a Color–
HueCurves or Key–SpillSuppress node to do your spill suppression.
Graph of linearization With roll-off
Graph of relog With roll-off