Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 1024

background image


Appendix A

The Shake Command-Line Manual

-mult [a] [z]

Multiplies color on a per-channel basis.


Saturation change.

Channel Functions




shake bg.iff -colorsp rgb hls

Converts images to a different colorspace. Indicate the source
space and the destination space.


Copies a channel from your listed image to the incoming image.
Clipmode indicates the resolution you want, with 1 as the second
image, 0 as the input image.


Forces a BW or BWA image into RGB or RGBA format. This is
unnecessary in the Shake interface and can be handled by FileOut
for output, but is awkward in the command line, thus this
function’s raison-d’etre.



shake truck.iff -reorder aaaa

shake truck.iff -reorder rgbl

shake bg.iff -reorder grb

Swaps channels. Using letter codes (r, g, b, a, z, l for luminance, and
n for null), indicate what channel should go in the r, g, b, a, and z


Sets the alpha to your value. To remove an alpha channel from an
image, enter 0.


Similar to Copy, except only the alpha is swapped. The returned
image is premultiplied.

Compositing Functions



An inclusion matte. Multiplies the incoming image by the alpha
channel of the image you specify.


Extracts the absolute difference between the two images.

-mix [percent]

Mixes two images together. 50 percent is half of each image.


An exclusion matte. Multiplies the incoming image by the inverse
of the alpha channel of the image you specify.


Puts the incoming image, assumed to be the premultiplied
foreground, over the background.


Puts the incoming image beneath the image you list, which is
assumed to be premultiplied.


Performs the Screen operation, which is good for reflections and

Color Functions
