Dilateerode – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 869

background image

Chapter 28



A slider that lets you mix the modified image and the original image together to
produce a blend of both. By default, this parameter is set to 100 percent, resulting in
100 percent of the modified image being output.

A pop-up menu that lets you choose the shape of the flaring in the resulting image.
The fast modes give you low quality but process quickly. The circle, square, hexagon,
and octagon give you a superior look, but are significantly more processor-intensive to
render. The options are:

fast gaussian

fast box





The image value where the superwhite boosting starts. If boostPoint is set to .75, RGB
values above .75 are boosted to increase flaring effects. A high value generally
decreases flare areas, since fewer candidate pixels are flared. By default this parameter
is set to .95.

Max value to boost image to. A value of 1 in the original will be boosted to this value.
By boosting this parameter, you increase the brightness of the flare area. Values around
50 yield a very strong boost.


The DilateErode node isolates each channel and cuts or adds pixels to the edge of that
channel. For example, to chew into your mask, set your channels to “a,” then set the
xPixels and yPixels value to -1.

By default, this node only affects whole pixels. Subpixel values are ignored, even when
they are set within the pixels parameters.To dilate or erode at the subpixel level, turn
on the “soften” button. Note that the soften parameter really slows the function. If you
use the soften feature, use low values for xPixels and yPixels.

To avoid affecting an image when using DilateErode to modify alpha channel data,
enter “a” as the channel, then apply a Color–MMult node to multiply the RGB by the
modified alpha.