Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 266

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Chapter 8

Using the Time View

To adjust the startFrame and lastFrame points of an image sequence:


In the Time View, drag the left handle of an image node to adjust its inPoint parameter,
or drag the right handle to adjust its outPoint parameter.

Notice that the firstFrame value for that clip is labeled on the left side of the bar, and
the lastFrame value is labeled on the right side—in the example above, the inPoint
parameter is 40 and the outPoint parameter is 138. These numbers are dynamic, and
change while you modify a clip’s In or Out point.

If you drag the timing handles of an image node in the Time View, you change the
node’s duration. For example, if you drag the ends of RGrad1, you set the boundaries
within which that node appears in time. When you drag the left or right handles of a
Shake-generated node (such as a Color, Grad, or Ramp node) in the Time View, the
duration of that image is extended to fill the new time range.

Using the inPoint and outPoint to Repeat Clips

You can extend the beginning or end of an image sequence or QuickTime movie
beyond its actual duration without retiming it by setting the clip to repeat frames.

To extend the inPoint or outPoint frame of a clip so that it repeats:


In the Time View, Control-drag the In or Out handle of a clip.

The clip’s duration extends as you pull a new handle to the right or left. The original
firstFrame and lastFrame timing handles and parameters remain as they were, but the
inPoint and outPoint parameters update to reflect the extended duration.

By default, the newly extended area of the clip is represented by a blue bar, which tells
you that the expanded time range in the clip has been filled by a freeze frame of the In
or Out point. In the example below, Control-dragging the Out point of the bus2 clip to
frame 100 creates an extended freeze frame effect from frame 41 to frame 100.

Repeated part of clip
is colored blue,
which designates a
freeze frame.