Working with two-point tracking – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 738

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Chapter 25

Image Tracking, Stabilization, and SmoothCam

At this point, you have a track and a smoothed version of that track. The following
example shows the Y curves of the two tracks.


Create a Stabilize node.


In the Stabilize node, expand track1, then enter the following expression in the track1X
and track1Y parameters:

In track1X, enter: Tracker1.track1X - Tracker1.track2X

In track1Y, enter: Tracker1.track1Y - Tracker1.track2Y

Thus, you get only the difference between the two curves—the jitter.

Note: This illustration is scaled differently in Y than the above illustrations.


In the Stabilize node parameters, set applyTransform to active.

The plate is only panned by the amount of the jitter, and maintains the overall
camera move.

Working With Two-Point Tracking

There are several additional options available when working with two-point tracking.
You can choose to pan, scale, and/or rotate the image. When setting the applyScale
and applyRotate parameters, you have three choices: “none,” “live,” and “baked.”