Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 151

background image

Chapter 4

Using Proxies


2K Academy: This option is suitable if your original image files have a resolution of
1828 x 1556. Three sets of proxies are generated, with the following absolute
defaultScale values:

914 x 778

457 x 389

183 x 156

2K Fullap: This option is suitable if your original image files have a resolution of 2048
x 1556. Three sets of proxies are generated, with the following absolute defaultScale




4K Fullap: This option is suitable if your original image files have a resolution of
4096x3112. Three sets of proxies are generated, with the following absolute
defaultScale values:




When you choose an option, the proxyXDefaultFile fields are automatically populated
with the appropriate path names. For example, if you choose Relative from the
proxySet pop-up menu, the proxyXDefaultFile fields are populated with the following:

By default, proxies are stored in new directories that are created in the same location as
the source media on disk. If necessary, you can change the path where the proxies are
saved, the directory into which they’re saved, the names of the generated files, and the
format of the proxies that are rendered. For more information, see “

How Proxy Paths

Are Defined

” on page 155.


As an optional step, select the FileIns in the Node View that you want to generate as

Note: Even if proxies have already been rendered, they will be rendered again. Shake
has no way of checking to see if proxy files are already present and/or valid.