Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 361

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Chapter 14

Customizing Shake


Setting Colors for the Time Bar

In the ui directory:

gui.color.timeSliderTop = 0x373737FF;
gui.color.timeSliderBottom = 0x4B4B4BFF;
gui.color.timeSliderFocus = 0x5B5B5BFF;
gui.color.timeSliderText = 0x0A0A0AFF;
gui.color.timeSliderTextFocus = 0x000000FF;
gui.color.timeSliderRange = 0x373737FF;
gui.color.timeSliderRangeReversed = 0x505037FF;
gui.color.timeSliderRangeText = 0x0A0A0AFF;
gui.color.timeSliderLines = 0xFFFFFFFF;
gui.color.timeSliderCurrent = 0x00FF00FF;
gui.color.timeSliderMouseTime = 0xACAC33FF;
gui.color.timeSliderMouseTimeKey = 0xFCFC65FF;

These are just a few plugs to change the coloring of the text in all time-based windows,
such as the Curve Editor, Time Bar, and so on. The numbers are, obviously, in
hexadecimal format, just to make things more difficult. Ignore the 0x and the last FFs.
Note you often have control over a basic color and its mouse-focused variation.