Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 1030
Appendix A
The Shake Command-Line Manual
the following line is listed:
shake truck/truck.iff truck/bg.iff truck/sign_mask.iff
So press Return.
Repeating Previous Commands
There are two ways to repeat previous commands:
Press the Up Arrow on the command line. Each time you press it, the previous
command is listed, stepping back through your history. Change portions of the
command with the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys. Press the Down Arrow key to
take you to the next command in the history list.
Press the ! key. Press !! to repeat the last command (although pressing the Up Arrow
key is easier). Type !s to repeat the last command that started with “s.”
Use wildcards in the command line so you don’t need to type much. The following
table lists some of the wildcards.
Math and Expressions
When performing math on the command line, enclose the math in “quotation marks”:
shake truck.iff -pan “cos(time*.5)*100” “sin(time)*50” -motion .5 1 -
t 1-13
Multiple Words
To use more than one word in a parameter that expects a string (letters), again, use
“quotation marks”:
shake -addtext “kilroy was here”
Note: This comes up frequently for systems running Mac OS X.
Matches everything of any
shake *
Shows all files within that directory simultaneously.
shake *.iff
Shows all files within that directory with a .iff extension.
shake *g*
Displays bg.iff and sign_mask.iff.
This is used to match anything
for only that position.
shake alien.000?.iff
Displays the first nine images simultaneously.
shake alien.002?.iff
Displays all frames in the twenties.
This can describe a range,
between letters or numbers.
shake alien.000[1-5].iff
This will display the first five images simultaneously.
shake [l-z]*
Displays all images that start with the letters l to z, lowercase.