Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 1045
Pan 802
pasting 239
PercentBlur 885
PinCushion 814
Pixel Analyzer 631
Pixelize 886
PlotScanline 676
QuickPaint 579
QuickShape 572
Ramp 601
Rand 602
Randomize 814
RBlur 886
renaming 243
Reorder 657
replacing 237
Resize 184
RGrad 603
Rotate 802
RotoShape 546
Saturation 644
Scale 803
Screen 467
Scroll 804
Select 471
select by expression 231
select by name 231
select by type 231
selecting and deselecting 228
selecting downstream 258
selecting upstream 258
Set 657
SetAlpha 658
SetBGColor 658
SetDOD 804
setting interface colors for 360
Sharpen 888
Shear 805
Solarize 645
SpillSuppress 690, 715
Stabilize 745
SwapFields 207
switching inputs 235
SwitchMatte 467
Text 604
Threshold 645
thumbnails 253
Tile 609
TimeX 123
Tracker 750
Transition 270
Turbulate 815
Twirl 816
Under 468
ungrouping 247
VideoSafe 208
Viewport 187
Warper 807, 845
WarpX 816
Window 189
Xor 468
ZBlur 888
ZCompose 469
ZDefocus 890
Zoom 185
Node View
and Tool Tabs 219
contextual menu 257
customizing 378
hot keys 1009
Overview 219
setting default zoom level 378
Noise functions 943
Noodles 217
color 102
color coding 223
disconnecting 239
tension 99
nreal.h file 68, 356, 866
nri files 171
nrui.h file 356
NTSC 94, 216
setting up controls 390
tracking 723–724
usingAdjustHSV 659
Offset Track button 724
On/Off buttons
creating 385
creating in macros 922
OpenGL hardware acceleration 486
Open Script command 32
Orient 801
combining with keyers 683
function description 466
math and LayerX syntax 453
combining with keyers 683
function description 466
math and LayerX syntax 453
understanding its math 424