Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 1040

background image




absolute paths of 954
anamorphic 209
changing the number of channels 416
command-line functions 1015, 1016
high-resolution 130
input and output 107
interlaced 194
resizing in command-line mode 1027
saving 108, 333
unpremultiplying 426
viewing channels 415
with different color channels 414

Image sequences 108
Image variables 941

interlaced images 196
Photoshop files 32, 476

Impulse filter 863
IMult 462

combining with keyers 683
function description 462
math and LayerX syntax 452

Include files (for customization) 358, 907
Infinite duration


with infinite duration 268

Infinite Workspace 405–408

and color correction 617
and the Blur node 865
and transformations 797
disabling 408

Information controls

command-line mode 1021

InOut Point Display (Time View) 268
Inputs (nodes)

switching 235

Inside 462

combining with keyers 683
function description 462
math and LayerX syntax 452


assigning processors to 368
Curve Editor settings 362
customization directory location 357
customizing for Color Picker 627
custom palette 365, 624
devices and styles 400
Group settings 362
loading macros 917
node group colors 360
saving settings 33, 623
tab colors 359
Text color settings 363
Time Bar color settings 361
Time View color settings 364

Interface settings 358
Interlace 205
Interlaced images

common problems with 194
importing 196


exporting footage with 203
preserving 198
removing 199

Interleave (for keyframes) 307
Interpolating paint strokes 588
Invert 643

function description 643
in ColorCorrect 668
modifed by Lookup function 652
usage described 637

invertMask 532
Invert Selection command 258
IRBlur 883

function description 883


keyboard info 18

ISharpen 884

function description 884

Isometric display angles 489
ISub 463

function description 463
math and LayerX syntax 453

ISubA 463

function description 463
math and LayerX syntax 453


Jeffress splines 317
jfif files 172
Jitter (curve operation) 312
JPEG files 170, 172

and fields 204



Convolve example 866

Keyboard commands

conventions in this guide 19

Keyboard shortcuts 1005–1012

for thumbnails 253


ChromaKey 703
combining 683
LumaKey 709
Primatte 710
SpillSupress 715

Keyframes 300–303

adding 300
adding blanks and duplicates 560