Colormatch – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 669

background image

Chapter 23

Color Correction


Order of Calculations

Calculations are made in the following order:

MDiv (optional)



Lookup Curves






MMult (optional)


The ColorMatch node allows you to take an old set of colors (source color) in an image
and match them to a new set (destination color). You can match the low, middle, and
high end of the image. You can also perform Contrast, Gamma, and Add color
corrections with Gamma as an inverse gamma to preserve highlights.

When you match color and use the Color controls, be aware of where you scrub. If you
color correct an image and then feed it into the composite, you may have to jump
down to view the color-corrected image to get proper source color; otherwise you pull
in modified color. This occurs after you have already fed in the destination color, since
they are linked to the source color. Therefore, a good workflow is to select all three
source colors, and then select the destination colors. Another scrubbing technique is to
ignore the node when scrubbing (select the node and press I in the Node View), then
enable the node again when finished.