Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 1043

background image



Max 465

combining with keyers 683
function description 465
math and LayerX syntax 453


file compatibility 173
importing Z channel info 704

Maya .ma files 494
Maya ASCII files 490
MayaDepthKey macro 704
MayaZ Depth macro 996
MDiv 656

function description 656
usage described 637


specifying placement 44

Media formats

adding to Format menu 365

Median 885

function description 885


and the cache 349

Memory usage

with Warper and Morpher 821


(Mac OS X only) 32
adding functions to 370
default font sizes for 369
Edit 34
File 32
Render 35
Tools 34
Viewers 35

Min 465

function description 465
math and LayerX syntax 453

Min/Max Basis

in Pixel Analyzer tool 631

Mirror repeat mode 267
Misc tab 668
Mitchell filter 862, 863
Mix 466

function description 466
math and LayerX syntax 453

Mixdown 288
mixPercent 273
MMult 656

function description 656
usage described 637

Monitor controls 101

aspect ratio 330
calibrating 331
extra Viewers for 50
setting up dual monitors 20, 400

Monochrome 643

function description 643
modifying image channels with 416
usage described 637


defining boundary shapes 843
function description 854

Morpher node 854

controls and parameters 855


tips 854

Motion blur 778–781

functions described 18

Move2D 763, 769, 771, 775, 797–799

function description 797

Move3D 772, 799

function description 799

Moving nodes 240
mray files 171
Mult 644

function description 644
modifying image channels with 416
usage described 637

MultiLayer 478

button control 481
function description 479
with Photoshop files 476

MultiLayer node 473
Multi-Pane Viewer 488
MultiPlane node 485

about 485
angle controls 503
animating layers 506
default camera 491
hardware acceleration 486
layer controls 500
layer hierarchies 505
linking cameras 496
parameters 487
parenting layers 505
scale controls 504
transforming layers 500
viewer shelf controls 491

Muting audio tracks 282


Naming files 335
Natural splines 316
Negate (curve operation) 313
Nested functions 958

Add 638
AddBorders 186
AddMix 453