Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 341

Chapter 12
Rendering With the FileOut Node
When you submit Shake jobs to a cluster, the working directory should
reside on a shared volume that’s accessible to all the computers in the cluster. This
ensures that the working directory is accessible to the rest of the nodes in the cluster.
A pop-up menu that allows you to choose which cluster you want to use to perform
the job. All clusters set up in your render queue software will appear here.
Shake checks for available clusters during startup. However, the available clusters may
change depending on which computers are available on the network at any given
time. Click this button to refresh the cluster pop-up menu with an up-to-date list of
available clusters.
Use this field to specify the minimum number of frames you want to be processed by
each computer in the cluster.
The time, in seconds, a computer on a cluster can be idle before that part of the job is
re-routed to another computer.
A pop-up menu that allows you to choose the priority of the job. The options are High,
Medium, and Low.
A pop-up menu that allows you to delay when the render queue software starts the
job you’re submitting. The options are 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours.
batchMonitor button
Click batchMonitor to launch the Apple Qmaster Batch Monitor application.