HP LaserJet 4345 Multifunction Printer series User Manual
Page 30

To change the settings
for all print jobs until
the software program
is closed
To change the print
job default settings
(for example, turn on
Print on Both Sides by
To change the
configuration settings
(for example, add a
physical option such
as a tray or enable/
disable a driver feature
such as Allow Manual
Mac OS X V10.3
On the File menu, click
Print. Change the
settings that you want
on the various pop-up
On the File menu, click
Print. Change the
settings that you want
on the various pop-up
menus, and then, on the
Presets pop-up menu,
click Save as and type a
name for the preset.
These settings are
saved in the Presets
menu. To use the new
settings, you must select
the saved preset option
every time that you open
a program and print.
Open Printer Setup
Utility by select ing the
hard drive, clicking
Applications, clicking
Utilities, then double-
clicking Printer Setup
Utility. Click on the print
queue. On the Printers
menu, click Show Info.
Click the Installable
Options menu.
Printer driver Help (Windows)
Each printer driver has Help screens that can be activated by using the Help button, the
key on the computer keyboard, or a question-mark symbol in the upper-right corner of the
printer driver (depending on the Windows operating system that you are using). You can
also open printer-driver Help by right-clicking any item in the driver, and then clicking What's
This? These Help screens give detailed information about the specific driver. Printer driver
Help is separate from your program Help.
Printer driver features
The printer driver has features that enable you to perform many helpful tasks, such as the
Print on both sides (duplex printing)
Print watermarks
Resize documents
Configure a custom paper size
Print on different paper for the first page or print covers on different paper
Print multiple pages on one sheet of paper
Set up output options such as stapling or using the 3-bin mailbox
Specify whether pages are delivered face-up or face-down
For complete information about using these driver features, see
Using features in the printer driver
Chapter 1 MFP basics