HP LASERJET 3800 User Manual
HP Printers
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Issue Description:
The customer may experience issues with the toner cartridge shutters not opening or closing
when opening or closing the front door.
Solution or Workaround:
Reseat all the cartridges
Check for a broken part that controls the movement of the cartridge engagement arm, the cartridge
shutters, and the OPC drive. (See picture below – it outlines where the break occurs in the picture to the
left, and where this part is located for the picture on the right. The red arrows show where the part
should be.) You can easily check this without taking off the covers by reaching over to the white rod arm
on the right hand side of the ETB, and “wiggle” it. If it moves easily, then this part is broken. Replace
this part if broken (
HP Color LaserJet 3000, 3600, and
3800 Series Printer - Toner Cartridge
Shutters not closing/opening
Security Level: For HP and Channel Partner Internal Use
Date Written/Updated: September 19, 2006
Document Summary
Customers may experience trouble with shutters on the toner cartridges not opening or closing
Follow the troubleshooting steps below to determine the root cause