HP StorageWorks 2.32 Edge Switch User Manual
Page 169
Edge Switch Element Manager user guide 169
File transfer aborted.
You aborted the file transfer process. Verify the file transfer is to be aborted,
then click OK to continue.
HAFM error through 8 >. The HAFM application encountered an internal error (1 through 8 inclusive) and cannot continue operation. Contact the next level of support to report the problem. Management server could not log you on. Verify your username and password. An incorrect username or password (both case sensitive) was used while attempting to log in to the HAFM application. Verify the username and password with the customer’s network administrator and retry the operation. Management server is shutting down. Connection will be terminated. The HAFM application is closing and terminating communication with the attached product. Reboot the HAFM appliance. If the problem persists, contact the next level of support. Invalid character in field. An invalid character was entered in the data field. Remove invalid characters from the entry. Invalid name. One of the following invalid names was used: CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9, NUL, or PRN. Select a valid name and retry the operation. Invalid network address. The IP address specified for the product is unknown to the domain name server (invalid). Verify and enter a valid product IP address. Invalid port number. Valid ports are (0-< nn >). You have specified an invalid port number. Specify a valid port number, in the range 0 to the maximum number of ports on the product minus 1. For example, for a switch with 32 ports, the valid port range is 0–31. Invalid product selection. At the New Product dialog box, an invalid product was selected. Select a valid product and retry the operation. Invalid request. Three conditions result in this message: • You tried to add or modify a product from Product View and the network address is already in use. (Network addresses must be unique.) • You tried to create a new user with a username that already exists. (A username must be unique.) • You tried to delete the default Administrator user. (The default Administrator user cannot be deleted.) Select the action that is appropriate to the activity that caused the error: • Network address: Specify a unique network address for the product. • username: Specify a unique username for the new user ID. • Do not delete the default Administrator user. Table 7 HAFM messages (continued) Message Description Action