Teledyne LeCroy Sierra M6-2 SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual User Manual
Page 378

Teledyne LeCroy
Creating a Sequence
Sierra M6‐2 SAS/SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual
The following table summarizes the examples that follow.
TABLE 4.7: Sequence Examples
Example 7: Creating Two Sequences and Global Rules
In this example, Global Rules substitute an Align (0) primitive for each of the following
received from the initiator: Align (1), Align (2), and Align (3). As a separate test operation,
two sequences determine the order in which each Identify Address frame is received
from initiator and target.
The following tables summarize the logic implemented by each of the sequences.
TABLE 4.8: Example 7: Logic of Sequence 0
TABLE 4.9: Example 7: Logic of Sequence 1
There is no interaction between the two sequences. Each of them operates
independently (and is independent of the Global Rules). However, the two sequences
complement each other with their logic. In this sense, they both combine to implement a
test objective.
Example Description
Creating two sequences and Global Rules: This scenario has two
objectives that you implement with Global Rules and two sequences. 1)
You use Global Rules to replace any of three types of primitives. 2) You
use two sequences to detect the order in which a type of frame is
received from initiator and target.
Creating a sequence with many states #1: The objective of this scenario
is to detect an incorrect order of primitives and to cause the device to
beep when it happens. You implement this scenario with a single five‐
state sequence.
Creating a sequence with many states #2: This scenario is an
enhancement of example 8. In this scenario, the objective is to detect an
incorrect order of primitives, fix it, and cause the device to beep when
this happens. As with example 8, you implement this scenario with a
single five‐state sequence.
State 0
If Address Frame is detected from initiator, go to State 1;
otherwise, continue to check incoming frames (do not change state).
State 1
If next Address Frame detected is from target, beep 1 second.
State 0
If Address Frame is detected from target, go to State 1;
otherwise, continue to check incoming frames (do not change state).
State 1
If next Address Frame detected is from initiator, beep 2 seconds.