Fis options (sata only) – Teledyne LeCroy Sierra M6-2 SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual User Manual

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Sierra M6‐2 SAS/SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual



Teledyne LeCroy

FIS Options (SATA only)

If you select Frame > Host to Device, Frame > DMA Setup, or Frame > Data, the system
adds an FIS line. At the end of the line is an Options button that opens an
Outgoing Frame Setting dialog.

Figure 2.144: SATA: FIS Options Outgoing Frame Setting Dialog

Frame Length Error

Check Frame Length Error, then choose the type of error to introduce.

SOF, EOF and CRC errors

Check these and specify Double or Omit by checking the corresponding option button.

Code violation and Disparity error

Check these and specify DWORD offset and the number of error DWORDs.

Insert Primitive

Check Insert Primitive, click the Type button to open the Primitive Type dialog, then
select the primitive type.

The host can send multiple bursts of HOLD primitives during a single data frame. You can
repeat the HOLD sequence up to 999 times. You can enter the offset between repeats, up
to 99999 DWORDs.

Frame Type Error

Check this to introduce a frame type error.

Drop Link for ... ms

Check this to drop link for the specified milliseconds.

Additionally check:

Code Violation on SATA primitive
Disparity error on SATA primitive
Ignore XRDY/RRDY sequence
Delay in HOLD response (in sending HOLDA)