CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual
Page 418

C - 72
Appendix C: Parameter Summary Numeric Quick Reference (continued)
CP-453 Diag DAC Test
Diagnostic DAC Test (CP-453) selects and enables the type of output control that is used for the diagnostic Control
Output DAC test.
2 = Immediate Output
1 = Continuous Ramp
0 = Disabled (default)
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2
Default Value: 0
Units: Coded
CP-454 Diag DAC Volts
Diagnostic DAC Volts (CP-454) is the maximum voltage output (either positive or negative) at the Control Output DAC
during a non zero diagnostic DAC test . The voltage corresponds to Diag DAC Bits (CP-455).
Minimum Value: -15
Maximum Value: 15
Default Value: 0
Units: Volts
CP-455 Diag DAC Bits
Diagnostic DAC Bits (CP-455) is the maximum value in bits written (either positive or negative) to the Control Output
DAC during a non zero diagnostic DAC test (CP-453) and when Diag En (CP-450) is set to “1” (On or enabled). The
value corresponds to Diag DAC Volts (CP-454).
Minimum Value: -32768
Maximum Value: 32767
Default Value: 0
Units: Bits
CP-456 Diag Rmp Tm
Diagnostic Ramp Time (CP-456) is the time, in seconds, from 0 volts to either positive or negative Diag DAC Volts (CP-
454) during a diagnostic DAC test with a ramp.
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 600
Default Value: 10.000
Units: Seconds
CP-460 Analog Cal En
Analog Calibration Enable (CP-456) enables the calibration process for the auxiliary analog board. When Analog Cal En
(CP-460) is set to “1” (On), the signal that is selected in Analog Cal Sel (CP-461) will be calibrated.
1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default)
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1
Default Value: 0
Units: Coded