Control overrides p4/4 – CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual
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You can also use this screen to select the source from which active block will be selected, as well as to monitor
the active block. Use Blk Sel Source (CP-478) to determine the source (Digital Inputs & PLC, Keypad Blk
Sel, or Cntr 4 Cnt) from which the active block is will be selected. Enter “Keypad Blk Sel” (2) in Blk Sel
Source (CP-478) to control the selection of the blocks from Keypad Blk Sel (CP-479), using the keyboard.
Enter “DI & PLC” (1) in Blk Sel Source (CP-478) to control the selection of the blocks from the inputs.
State (MP-50) displays the present system operating state of the CX-1200 (see list below). Only one operating state
may be active at a time. To access either the “Run” or the “Jog” operating state, the F-Stop, R-Stop and H-Stop inputs
must be closed.
9 = Not Defined
8 = Diagnostics
7 = Not Defined
6 = Not Defined
5 = Jog
4 = Not Defined
3 = Run
2 = H-Stop
1 = R-Stop
0 = F-Stop
Blk Sel Source
Block Select Source (CP-478) determines whether the active block will be selected by the digital inputs and PLC, by
Keypad Blk Sel (CP-479) or by Cntr4 Cnt.
3 = Cntr4 Cnt
2 = KyPd = Keypad Blk Sel
1 = DgIn = Digital Inputs/PLC (default)
Keypad Blk Sel
The Keypad Block Select (CP-479) determines which block will be active when Blk Sel Source (CP-478) is set to “2”
Active Blk
Active Block (MP-51) displays the active block (0-7). The block can be selected and made active by the Block select
bits (Blk Sel A,B.C), in the PLC Programming screen if Blk Sel Source (CP-478) is set to “1” (DigIn & PLC). Or the block
can be selected and made active by the keypad if Blk Sel Source (CP-478) is set to “2” (Keypad Blk Sel).
Setpoint X
Setpoint X (CP-201) displays the name and value of the setpoint that corresponds with the mode of operation selected
in RUN Mode (CP-202). The setpoint could be the Master SP (CP-210), the Follower SP (CP-220) or the Direct SP (CP-
230). Setpoint X acts as a quick access to the setpoint value. In addition to changing a setpoint value in the setpoint
screens, you can also change the value of the active setpoint by entering a new value in Setpoint X (CP-201).
Run Mode
Run Mode (CP-202) sets the mode of operation and the subsequent Setpoint, that are used when your system is in
“Run”. The Setpoint and mode of operation combined, determine the Reference Speed and, if applicable, the
Reference Position. The modes of operation are:
4 = Inv Foll Mode
3 = Follower Mode
2 = Master Mode (default)
1 = Direct Mode