Std signal tests / control output p2/2 – CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual

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The STD Signals Tests / Control Output screen (page 2) displays the Control and Monitor Parameters that
are associated with the CO_SigU. Use this screen to perform a variety of tests that verify the operation of
the CO_SigU.

Diagnostics En

When Diagnostics Enable (CP-450) is set to “1” (On or enabled), the digital inputs will not recognize their normal
function and the digital outputs can be controlled by Diag DO (CP-452). In addition, the CO_Sig Control Output can be
tested. When you enter diagnostics, Diag DO (CP-452) is forced equal to the current DO 7..0 (MP-102) so that there
is no unexpected change in the outputs. Change the outputs through Diag DO (CP-452) while performing the diagnos-

Warning: The actuator may energize if you change Diag DO (CP-452). Stand clear of the system.

1 = On
0 = Off (default)

Diag DAC Test

Diagnostic DAC Test (CP-453) selects and enables the type of output control that is used for the diagnostic Control
Output DAC test.

2 = Immediate Output
1 = Continuous Ramp
0 = Disabled (default)

Diag DAC Volts

Diagnostic DAC Volts (CP-454) is the maximum voltage output (either positive or negative) at the Control Output DAC
during a non zero diagnostic DAC test . The voltage corresponds to Diag DAC Bits (CP-455).

Diag DAC Bits

Diagnostic DAC Bits (CP-455) is the maximum value in bits written (either positive or negative) to the Control Output
DAC during a non zero diagnostic DAC test (CP-453) and when Diag En (CP-450) is set to “1” (On or enabled). The
value corresponds to Diag DAC Volts (CP-454).

Diag Rmp Tm

Diagnostic Ramp Time (CP-456) is the time, in seconds, from 0 volts to either positive or negative Diag DAC Volts (CP-
454) during a diagnostic DAC test with a ramp.

CO Max Volts

Control Output Maximum Volts (CP-271) sets the upper limit on the voltage sent to the drive. Bipolar operation assumes
plus or minus this value. It should be set equal, or lower, than the input specifications of the drive.

CO Offset

Control Output Offset (CP-273) adjusts for small variations in the specifications of certain IC devices on this particular
controller board. Usually a very small number, it serves to true up the 0 volts end point of the output voltage scale. It is
preset at the factory, and should not need field adjustments.

CO Volts

Control Output Volts (MP-37) displays the present value, in volts, of the Control Output (CO_Sig) signal to the drive.
It is the combination of FeedFwd (MP-35) plus Trim Out (MP-36).


State (MP-50) displays the present system operating state of the CX-1200 (see list below). Only one operating state
may be active at a time. To access either the “Run” or the “Jog” operating state, the F-Stop, R-Stop and H-Stop inputs
must be closed.

9 = Not Defined

8 = Diagnostics

7 = Not Defined

6 = Not Defined

5 = Jog

4 = Not Defined

3 = Run

2 = H-Stop

1 = R-Stop

0 = F-Stop