Cp-449 lg number units, Cp-450 diagnostics en – CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual

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Appendix C: Parameter Summary Numeric Quick Reference (continued)

CP-449 Lg Number Units

Use Large Number Units (CP-449) to select the EU text that displays immediately below the Large Number Display on
the Status screen (refer to the status screen in Operation: Screen Operation). Enter a numeric code that identifies the
EU for the Control Parameter displayed in the Large Number Parameter (CP-440). Refer to the numeric code list below.
The Help screen for CP-449 also contains a partial list of numeric code options. In addition, you can also scroll through
the numeric code options by accessing CP-449 with the Code key while you are in the in the Status screen.

0 =

1 = RPM (default)

2 = Hertz

3 = KHz

4 = EU/sec

5 = EU/min

6 = EU/hr

7 = Units/sec

8 = Units/min

9 = Units/hr

10 = Inches/sec

11 = Inches/min

12 = Feet/sec

13 = Feet/min

14 = Feet/hr

15 = Yards/min

16 = Yards/hr

17 = CM/sec

18 = CM/min

19 = Meters/min

20 = Meters/hr

21 = Gal/sec

22 = Gal/min

23 = Gal/hr

24 = Liters/sec

25 = Liters/min

26 = Liters/hr

27 = Sec/unit

28 = Sec/inch

29 = Sec/foot

30 = Sec/CM

31 = Sec/gal

32 = Sec/liter

33 = Min/unit

34 = Min/inch

35 = Min/foot

36 = Min/yard

37 = Min/CM

38 = Min/meter

39 = Min/gal

40 = Min/liter

41 = Hr/unit

42 = Hr/foot

43 = Hr/yard

44 = Hr/meter

45 = Hr/gal

46 = Hr/liter

47 = Feet/foot

48 = Ratio

49 = Percent (%)

50 = Seconds

51 = Minutes

52 = Hours

53 = EU

54 = EU/Tm

55 = EU/Tm/sec

56 = Units

57 = Inches

58 = Feet

59 = Yards

60 = Centimeters

61 = Meters

62 = Gallons

63 = Liters

64 = lb

65 = Counts

66 = Pulses

67 = Lines

68 = Revs

69 = Degrees

70 = Pulses/Rev

71 = Pulses/EU

72 = Volts

73 = Milliamps

74 = Bits

75 = Bits/sec

76 = Volts/kiloEU

77 = oz

78 = psi

79 = newton

80 = Custom (user defined through the serial com)

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 80

Default Value:1 RPM (default)

Units: Coded

CP-450 Diagnostics En

When Diagnostics Enable (CP-450) is set to “1” (On or enabled), the digital inputs will not recognize their normal
function and the digital outputs can be controlled by Diag DO (CP-452). In addition, the CO_Sig Control Output can be
tested. When you enter diagnostics, Diag DO (CP-452) is forced equal to the current DO 7..0 (MP-102) so that there is
no unexpected change in the outputs. Change the outputs through Diag DO (CP-452) while performing the diagnostics.

Warning: The actuator may energize if you change Diag DO (CP-452). Stand clear of the system.

1 = On
0 = Off (default)

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 1

Default Value: 0

Units: Coded