Direct sp & ramps p1/1 – CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual
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Direct Setpoint Mode puts a voltage on the Control Output (CO_Sig). The Direct SP (CP-230) sets this
voltage directly. Run Mode (CP-202) must be set to “1” (Direct) and the CX-1200 must be in “Run”.
Restrictions to the polarity of the output signal can be done with the CO mode (CP-270) on page 2 of the
Scaling / Follower screen.
Direct Setpoint Mode is used to directly control the voltage on the Control Output (CO_Sig), which connects
to the drive. It is typically used as a diagnostic tool, but could be as a pot replacement for indirectly setting
the operating speed of the drive. When using Direct Setpoint Mode, the Control Output (CO_Sig) voltage
will be fixed at the value you enter into the Direct SP (CP-230). It is an open loop operation and there is no
attempt at controlling the Feedback speed. There is only one format available to Direct mode operation.
There are separate ramp parameters associated with Direct Mode.
The defining equation for Direct Setpoint Mode:
CO Volts (MP-37) volts = Direct SP (CP-230) volts
Run Mode
Run Mode (CP-202) sets the mode of operation and the subsequent Setpoint, that are used when your system is in
“Run”. The Setpoint and mode of operation combined, determine the Reference Speed and, if applicable, the
Reference Position. The modes of operation are:
4 = Inv Foll Mode
3 = Follower Mode
2 = Master Mode (default)
1 = Direct Mode
Direct SP
Direct Setpoint (CP-230) is active only in Direct Mode (CP202=0). It sends a voltage value directly to the Control
Output (CO_Sig) terminal. Run/Stop commands are recognized, but no other control function is active. All encoder
signals are ignored.
Acl Tm Drct
Acceleration Time Direct (CP-231) is the time, in seconds, that it takes to accelerate from 0 to the CO Max Volts (CP-271)
voltage, while operating in the Direct Mode.
Dcl Tm Drct
Deceleration Time Direct (CP-232) is the time, in seconds, that it takes to decelerate from the CO Max Volts (CP-271)
voltage to 0 volts, while operating in the Direct Mode.
CO Volts
Control Output Volts (MP-37) displays the present value, in volts, of the Control Output (CO_Sig) signal to the drive.
It is the combination of FeedFwd (MP-35) plus Trim Out (MP-36).