Analog input tests / calibration p3/3 – CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual

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AI1 Mode

Analog Input 1 Mode (CP-280) identifies the mode of operation and the calibration that are used for the Auxiliary
Board Analog Input 1 signal.

2 = Current
1 = Voltage (default)

AI2 Mode

Analog Input 2 Mode (CP-285) identifies the mode of operation and the calibration that are used for the Auxiliary
Board Analog Input 2 signal.

1=Voltage (default)

AO Mode

Analog Output Mode (CP-291) identifies the mode of operation and calibration that are used for the Auxiliary Board
Analog Output signal.

2 = Current
1 = Voltage (default)

Analog Cal En

Analog Calibration Enable (CP-456) enables the calibration process for the auxiliary analog board. When Analog Cal
En (CP-460) is set to “1” (On), the signal that is selected in Analog Cal Sel (CP-461) will be calibrated.

1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default)

Analog Cal Sel

Analog Calibration Select (CP-461) selects the signal (AI1, AI2) on the auxiliary analog board for calibration.

2 = Analog In 2 (Linespeed Pot)
1 = Analog In 1 (default) (Dancer)

Analog Cal Ref

Analog Calibration Reference (CP-462) determines which of the two calibration reference points (see list below) are to
be calibrated.

2 = point B
1 = point A (default)

Analog Ref Val

Analog Reference Value (CP-463) is the value of measured data for the signal at the specified reference point (Analog
Cal Ref, CP-462). Use a voltmeter for voltage mode operation to measure the voltage on the analog signal selected for
calibration at the specified reference point. Enter the measured value in the Analog Ref Val (CP-463).

AO Bit Set

Analog Out Bit Set (CP-464) sets the output value in bits that are used to calibrate the Auxiliary Analog Board's
analog output. Change (tune) this value until the actual output matches the value that you entered for Analog Ref Val
(CP-463), for the selected point.

AnlgCal Ref A

Analog Calibration Reference A (MP-168) displays the Analog Ref Val (CP-463) for the signal (AI1, AI2), which was
selected in Analog Cal Sel (CP-461) and which was stored during the calibration of point A.

AnlgCal Ref B

Analog Calibration Reference B (MP-169) displays the AnalogRef Val (CP-463) for the signal (AI1, AI2), which was
selected in Analog Cal Sel (CP-461) and which was stored during the calibration of point B.