CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual
Page 386

C - 40
Appendix C: Parameter Summary Numeric Quick Reference (continued)
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 9999999
Default Value: 200.0
Units: EU/Tm/S
CP-243 Dcl Tm Jog
Deceleration Time Jog (CP-243) is the time, in seconds, that it takes to decelerate from Jog SP (CP-240) to 0, when the Jog
Input is deactivated or when switching between “Jog Fwd” and “Jog Rvs”.
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 3600
Default Value: 0.500
Units: Seconds
CP-244 Dcl Rt Jog
Deceleration Rate Jog (CP-244) is the rate, in EU/Tm per second, that is used when the Jog input is deactivated or when
switching between “Jog Fwd” and “Jog Rvs”.
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 9999999
Default Value: 400.0
Units: EU/Tm/S
CP-245 Jog Loop Mode
Jog Loop Mode (CP-245) identifies the type of control loop (see list below) that is used during Jog.
1 = Velocity Loop (default)
0 = Open Loop
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1
Default Value: 1
Units: Coded
CP-250 ScFbDispEq
Scaled Feedback Display Equation (CP-250) selects the equation used to display Scaled Fb (MP-40).
3 = Inverse Ratio (of the FI1 to FI2 input frequency)
2 = Ratio (of the FI2 to FI1 input frequency)
1 = Master (derived directly from FI2) (default)
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 3
Default Value: 1
Units: Coded
CP-260 Cnt Mode FI1
Count Mode FI1 (CP-260) identifies the type of encoder that is connected to Frequency Input 1. The “Quad x4” setting
is for a quadrature encoder that gives 4 counts per pulse and also gives direction information. The Incremental selection
is for a single channel encoder, which gives 1 count per pulse but does not give direction information.
2 = Incremental
1 = Quad x4 (default)