CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual

Page 352

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Appendix C: Parameter Summary Numeric Quick Reference (continued)

MP-41 ScaleFactor

Scale Factor (MP-41) displays the calculated ratio between the LdJbSzAve (MP-13) and the FbJbSzAve (MP-23). This
may be different than the scale factor actually being used by the control algorithm.

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 999999

Units: Ratio

MP-42 ActScaleFactor

Active Scale Factor (MP-42) displays the scale factor currently being utilized by the position control algorithm. The
ActScaleFactor (MP-42) may not be the same as ScaleFactor (MP-41).

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 999999

Units: Ratio

MP-48 Kff

Kff (MP-48) is the feedforward gain for the follower. It translates a follower EU/Time into an approximate voltage
output, which is then error-trimmed +/- to effect the desired speed. A reasonable accurate feedforward can minimize the
need for error trim action, thus improving the response of the control loop. It is automatically adjusted for any change
entered into CO Max Volts (CP-271), or Max Fb (CP-329). It is also adjusted automatically during feedforward Kff Auto
En (CP-364) mode.

Minimum Value: 0.00

Maximum Value: 99999.99

Units: V/kiloRPM

MP-49 Cntrl Loop

Control Loop (MP-49) displays the present operating mode of the CX-1200. Only one type of loop can be active at a
time. These modes are automatically selected depending on the present system State (MP-50).

3 = Psn Hld (H-Stop Position Loop)
2 = Position Loop
1 = Velocity Loop
0 = Open Loop

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 3

Units: Coded