CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual
Page 380

C - 34
Appendix C: Parameter Summary Numeric Quick Reference (continued)
MP-166 AO Bits
Analog Output Bits (MP-166) displays the present value, in DAC Bits, of the Auxiliary Analog Output.
Minimum Value: -32768
Maximum Value: 32767
Units: Bits
MP-167 AO Signal
Analog Output Signal (MP-167) displays the present value, in either volts or milliamps of the Auxiliary Analog Output,
relative to AO Mode (CP-291).
Minimum Value: -12.00
Maximum Value: 20
Units: Volt or Milliamps
MP-168 AnlgCal Ref A
Analog Calibration Reference A (MP-168) displays the Analog Ref Val (CP-463) for the signal (AI1, AI2), which was
selected in Analog Cal Sel (CP-461) and which was stored during the calibration of point A.
Minimum Value: -13.00
Maximum Value: 25
Units: Volt or Milliamps
MP-169 AnlgCal Ref B
Analog Calibration Reference B (MP-169) displays the AnalogRef Val (CP-463) for the signal (AI1, AI2), which was
selected in Analog Cal Sel (CP-461) and which was stored during the calibration of point B.
Minimum Value: -13.00
Maximum Value: 25
Units: Volt or Milliamps
MP-178 PosnErrCnt
Position Error Count (MP-178) displays PosnErr (MP-33) in lines.
Minimum Value: -500000000
Maximum Value: 500000000
Units: Lines
MP-179 SyncFlgDifCnt
Sync Flag Difference Count (MP-179) displays SyncFlgDif (MP-29) in lines.
Minimum Value: -500000000
Maximum Value: 500000000
Units: Lines
MP-180 LdPsnCnt
Lead Position Count (MP-180) displays Ld Posn (MP-10) in lines.
Minimum Value: -500000000
Maximum Value: 500000000
Units: Lines