Job sizes p1/2 – CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual
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The Job Sizes screen (page 1) allows you to select and monitor the job sizes for the CX-1200. The first line
on the screen displays the current operating state.
State (MP-50) displays the present system operating state of the CX-1200 (see list below). Only one operating state
may be active at a time. To access either the “Run” or the “Jog” operating state, the F-Stop, R-Stop and H-Stop inputs
must be closed.
9 = Not Defined
8 = Diagnostics
7 = Not Defined
6 = Not Defined
5 = Jog
4 = Not Defined
3 = Run
2 = H-Stop
1 = R-Stop
0 = F-Stop
Cntrl Loop
Control Loop (MP-49) displays the present operating mode of the CX-1200. Only one type of loop can be active at a
time. These modes are automatically selected depending on the present system State (MP-50).
3 = Psn Hld (H-Stop Position Loop)
2 = Position Loop
1 = Velocity Loop
0 = Open Loop
Run Mode
Run Mode (CP-202) sets the mode of operation and the subsequent Setpoint, that are used when your system is in
“Run”. The Setpoint and mode of operation combined, determine the Reference Speed and, if applicable, the Refer-
ence Position. The modes of operation are:
4 = Inv Foll Mode
3 = Follower Mode
2 = Master Mode (default)
1 = Direct Mode
Sync Mode
Sync Mode (CP-203) selects the algorithm to be used when RUN Mode (CP-202) is set for Follower or Inverse Follower.
0 = Non-Sync Mode the position follower only, sync pulses are ignored by the control algorithm. 1 = Fixed Mode the
follower setpoint is the ratio/scale factor. 2 = Trend Mode the follower setpoint is altered by the control algorithm to
allow for continuously changing job sizes. 3 = Learn Mode learns the job spaces and the scale factor, also modifies the
follower setpoint.
3 = Learn
2 = Trend
1 = Fixed
0 = Off (default)
Lead Job Size (MP-11) displays the present value determined by the Lead Frequency and Lead Sync inputs. Displayed
in EU’s. It is the size of the very last job size that was encountered.
Follower Job Size (MP-21) displays the present value determined by the Follower Frequency and Follower Sync inputs.
Displayed in EU’s. It is the size of the very last job size that was encountered.
Lead Job Size Average (MP-13) displays a running average value of the last 16 lead job sizes determined by the Lead
Frequency and Lead Sync inputs. Displayed in EU’s.
Lead Job Size Variance (MP-12) displays the maximum variance of the last 16 lead job sizes. Displayed in EU’s.