3Com 3500 User Manual

Page 723

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qos control modify


QoS Control Modify Example (3500)

This example shows modifications to a predefined control (4) for a
predefined classifier (405).

Select menu option: qos control modify

Enter control number {1-5}: 4

Enter control name {?} [Controlled Load]:


Enter rate limit type (none,receivePort,aggregate) [none]:


Enter service for conforming packets (high,best,low) [high]:

Are conforming packets loss eligible (yes,no) [no]:

Enter service for excess packets (high,best,low,drop) [low]:


How should rate limit be expressed (percentage,KBytes/sec)


Enter rate limit in KBytes/sec (0-65434): 2048

Enter burst size in KBytes (16-8192) [181]:

Select bridge ports (1-13|all|?) [1-13]:

Select IEEE 802.1p tag to apply to forwarded frames.

Enter IEEE 802.1p tag {0-7|none|?} [none]:

Drop packets used to establish a TCP connection (yes,no) [no]:

Do you want to modify/add the start and end time for the control (yes,no) [no]


Do you want to have any time control (yes,no) [no]: y

Enter input time type (specific,daily,dayoftheweek,everydayoftheweek,weekdays,

weekends,everyweekdays,everyweekends) [specific]:

Enter the Qos Control starting day (mm-dd): 06-02

Enter the Qos control starting time (hh:mm): 09:00

Enter the Qos Control ending day (mm-dd): 06-02

Enter the Qos control ending time (hh:mm): 17:00

Select classifiers which are subject to this control.

Enter classifiers (20,23,404-407,420,430,4...[404-407]: 405